Volunteer Opportunity –FASCA Atlanta Chapter Video Presentation *Sign up by Friday 10/15*

FASCA Atlanta is preparing a video presentation for our Atlanta chapter.

This video introduces our Atlanta group and shares our vision and passion. It highlights the activities that make our chapter stand out.

We are looking for volunteer members to create this video as a team. If you would like to participate, please sign up below by Friday, 10/15.

FASCA service hours will be counted based on your contributions to this video.

Video team members should submit the video concept outline by 10/25. The video draft should be completed by 11/15 to be reviewed by the chapter advisers, and finalized by 11/22.

* This video will be posted on the FASCA page of the OCAC website presenting the Atlanta chapter. Please do not use any copyrighted materials (images, music, video clips) in this video unless you or FASCA Atlanta own the copyright or have a license (with written permission) to use the materials. Thank you.