2022.8.21 FASCA Atlanta First Member’s Meeting – 舉行第一次會員大會
2022玉山科技青年獎--申請辦法和程序2022 Young Achiever Award (YAA) Accepting Applications!Established in 1994, the annual Monte Jade Young Achiever Award (YAA) has recognized more than 300 outstanding Chinese-American high school students, in their junior…
FASCA Southeast Chapter held its second annual youth cultural volunteer training at AtlantaThe FASCA Overseas Youth Cultural Volunteers Association-Southeast Chapter, which was established in July 2021, held a three-day training…
The City of Dunwoody invited FASCA Atlanta to perform on the stage to celebrate the Asian American Pacific Islander Cultural Heritage Celebration on May 1st, 2022
Doraville City Parks and Recreation hosted the Easter Egg Hunting Event on April 4, 2022. More than ten FASCA Atlanta members volunteered to help the events, including taking pictures with…
僑務委員會委員長童振源於3月24日至27日訪視亞特蘭大,3月26日在亞特蘭大文教中心與FASCA亞特蘭大學員見面. 童振源表示,培育海外青年一向是僑委會推動的重要僑務工作之一,FASCA從2011年成立以來,共培育了4,600多位年輕一輩的僑胞,他鼓勵學員未來可與美國其他分會,甚至全世界各地FASCA分會做交流,建立網絡,互相學習。未來可以參加英語服務營回臺灣做志工服務,他也提到Taiwan Plus平台提供了全英語的臺灣即時新聞,學員可多加利用。
美東南區台灣海外青年志工(Formosa Association of Student Culture Ambassadors,簡稱FASCA),預計招收12至17歲在學學生,經由系統性培訓,成為文武雙全代表臺灣的民間青年大使。FASCA 將以「領導、服務、文化、傳承」為四大培訓主軸。透過學習實作,讓自小於海外生長的台灣僑民新生代,深入瞭解父母的家鄉—臺灣,成為宣傳臺灣之僑務外交小尖兵!人際升學更加分! 美東南地區2022年FASCA 新生培訓日期訂於7/29 - 7/31 ,由專業培訓團隊慧智文教基金會進行整體規劃與培訓。培訓場地在亞特蘭大華僑文教服務中心. VISIT 慧智文教基金會 FOR DETAILS AND TO APPLY When Training for new FASCA members will be from 7/29/2022 to 7/31/2022.…