2023.5.21 Graduations, Presentations, and Elections

On Sunday, May 21, 2023, FASCA Atlanta held a graduation ceremony. Members also made year-end presentations and voted in this year's presidential/officer elections. Following the FASCA Year-End presentation, we listened…

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2023.4.30 Dunwoody AAPI Celebration

The FASCA Yo-yo and lion dance teams were invited to perform at the Dunwoody City AAPI Cultural Heritage Celebration on Sunday, April 30, 2023. Previous Next

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2023.4.23 Big Data Starter & Taiwan Street Food

We are grateful to have Vickey Chang, the Vice President of Equifax USIS Data & Analytics, speak on Big Data Starter and Taiwan Street Food on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Our…

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2023.4.8 Doraville’s Egg-cellent Adventure

FASCA Atlanta was invited to be a part of Doraville's annual "Egg-cellent Adventure event on Saturday, April 8th. Our members had as much fun as last year.Our volunteers assisted with setting up and…

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「FASCA海外青年文化大使新生培訓」 2023年招生熱烈起跑

Journey of Youth Leadership Development: Paving the Way to Success for Your Children 2023年僑務委員會之「海外青年文化大使(FASCA)新生培訓」將於北美及亞太地區共11個城市展開培訓活動,報名於即日起正式開跑,亞特蘭大場:7月28至7月30日在亞特蘭大僑教中心(5377 New Peachtree Rd, Chamblee, GA 30341)辦理,名額有限,歡迎12至17歲的台裔青少年踴躍報名參加。本年新生培訓以「領導、服務、文化、傳承」為四大培訓主軸,分為三日訓練以及全年持續性培力活動。三日新生培訓內容精彩可期,包括文化及移民尋根體驗課程,賦予傳統藝術新意象;另一方面,領導統御等規劃課程讓學員挑戰自我,成就自我領導與團隊價值,另外也透過族裔平等價值及生命教育課程,培養其宏觀思考能力。教學與實務並進,且師資陣容堅強,榮獲歷屆學員之高度認同,讓孩子在精進實力同時,亦拓展人際,締結更多相同背景的夥伴。 最重要的是,每位學員完成培訓結業後,即具有加入FASCA資格並成為分會學員。分會學員將能參與更多元之線上課程,並不間斷的自我學習。此外,學員也能參與各地僑社多樣的僑社服務活動,讓青少年不間斷的自我學習。若美國學員服務累積超過100小時,將由相關單位協助申請「美國總統志工服務獎」,使其升學之路更具優勢。歡迎12至17歲的臺裔青年加入,一起成就無限的成長,晉升臺裔菁英行列!In 2023, the Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (FASCA)…

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2023.3.19 FASCA Showcase

The ATAA and the TAP-ATL co-hosted the 2023 Taiwanese Film Appreciation and Director Symposium on March 19, 2023 at the OCAC. FASCA Atlanta had a successful showcase of our members' talents…

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2023 Atlanta Lunar New Year Celebration

At this celebration, our members performed many performances such as dragon dances, lion dances, FASCA dances, and yoyo performances. They all did extremely well and captured the attention of many…

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