2023.12.17 FASCA’s Year-End Celebration

On Sunday, December 17, FASCA members gathered for the annual end-of-year celebration.

Director Ou started it off with some opening remarks.

Officers and team captains received awards for their hard work.

Each performance team got to show off what they’ve accomplished this year.

We had a potluck for lunch. Everyone brought delicious food!

We practiced making verbal presentations, and learned about many new topics.

Members part of the English tutoring program presented their progress reports.

We learned how to cut out paper 春 (spring) characters and snowflakes.

Members competed in a gingerbread house decorating competition.

Finally, we had fun participating in team-building activities and playing games that allowed us to better understand each other.

Our year-end celebration was a great ending to 2023. See you next year!