OCAC (Taiwan) Video Competition Specifications

Subjects: Introduction of your cities for the following five topics:

1. Tourist attractions

2. Culture festivals

3. Local food specialties

4. Famous university campuses

5. Professional baseball, basketball, or other sports teams

Video specifications:

1. The video screen must be 16:9, the format is limited to MP4 (H.264), resolution should

be set at minimum 1280×720 (720p) to meet the displaying specifications and can be

uploaded to website for playing and auto playing on the computer.

2. The introduction page should indicate the subject of your choice (Video briefing should

be in English). The length of each video is limited to 2 to 3 minutes. If you are shooting

indoors with sufficient light, you can use iPhone 7 or above or 2016- made Android

phones using landscape mode to shoot the video. (Portrait mode is not permissible due

to incompatible with TV and computer screen); if you are shooting outdoors, in order to

present an appropriate depth of field, please use a digital camera or V8 to shoot your


Submission deadline:

Please submit your video(s) before August 31, 2021, using YouTube unlisted video or

upload to Google drive and provide YouTube or Google drive link to FASCA. Please

ensure the video is watchable, and please do not broadcast on social media (such as


After preliminary approval by the overseas unit, each film producer will be awarded with

$30. The final video will be approved by scholars invited by the association. The winning

video authors will be awarded with $70 upon signing the copyright authorization form.

Video applications:

The videos will be reviewed and loaded to the Taipei CooC-Cloud of Taipei City

Government Education Bureau or the Education Cloud special section of the Ministry of

Education and stored on the Association Global Chinese Network for observation and


FASCA guideline:

1. Submit videos via Google Classroom by the deadline 11:30 pm 8/26/2021. Late submission will not be accepted. FASCA Atlanta will select top 10 videos to submit to Taiwan OCAC by 8/30/2021.

2. Each member may earn 4 volunteer hours for making a video of 2 – 3 min.

3. For the top 10 videos, each member will earn additional 2 hours of volunteer hours.

4. Students can work as a team in doing research and collecting materials, also learning how to use video making tools from each other. But each member needs to make his/her own video with minimum overlaps from their teammates.

5. In addition to Atlanta, members can choose other cities (that they have some connection with) for their videos.

6. Be careful about the photo and video copyright issues in your contents. These videos may be shown in multiple events in various places. Copyright infringement is a serious issue.

7. In additional to the videos, makers also need to submit their copyright authorization form which will be provided shortly.

華民國僑務委員會 影片製作競賽


著名大學校園、職棒、職籃或其他運動賽事介紹等 5



1. 影片畫面須為 16:9,格式限制為 MP4(H.264),解析

度至少為 1280×720(720p),以符合呈現規格,可上傳


2. 須在影片內容呈現該主題的介紹頁(影片主題內容的英

文簡介),每支影片長度以 2 至 3 分鐘為限。

倘在室內拍攝,且光線充足,可以 iPhone7 以上或 2016

年以後上巿的 Android 手機橫拍(直拍畫面和電腦電視


相機或V8 拍攝。


請於 110 年 8 月 31 日以前完成影片錄製剪輯,並提供

Youtube 或 Google 雲端連結,隨文送本會。務請確認短片

內容應清晰,並請勿先登載於社群網站(例如 Facebook)。

經駐外單位初步核可後,每支影片支給著作人車馬費 30



用費 70 美元。






1. 影片統一送到FASCA Google Classroom. 收件截止日期: 11:30 pm 8/26/2021. 逾期不受理。FASCA Atlanta 會先預審,選出前十名作品送僑委會。

2. 完成影片製作的每位學員將可獲得四個志工服務小時。

3. 獲得排名前10名的學員可得到額外兩個志工服務小時。

4. 學員可以互相學習影片製作及應用軟體的使用。但是學員需要提交自己的個人影片作品,而且


5. 也可以用美國其它城市為題材。

6. 網路上的照片可能有版權,要小心採用。一旦入選,這些影片會在多處播放,著作侵權後果是很嚴重的。

7. 送交影片時,要同時簽交著作財產權授權書。