2023.5.21 Graduations, Presentations, and Elections

On Sunday, May 21, 2023, FASCA Atlanta held a graduation ceremony. Members also made year-end presentations and voted in this year’s presidential/officer elections.

Following the FASCA Year-End presentation, we listened to opening remarks and guest speeches, followed by group photos.

Amazing cello performance by Eric Xu. Thank you for playing for us!
Graduation speech from Director Ou.

Congratulations to our graduating FASCA members. We wish you all the best of luck!

Members voted for our 2023-2024 President.
Our new President, Christine!
For lunch, we got to wrap our own delicious 潤餅 (spring rolls).

Each member then gave their individual year-end presentation to share their experiences in FASCA, and the members voted in the officer election.

2023-2024 Officers!

We ended it off with team building activities, FASCA dances, and some closing remarks and reminders to keep in mind.

Thanks to everyone who came! It was lots of fun.