2022.7.29-7.31 CYLA Annual Leadership Training – 美東南地區2022年 FASCA 新生培訓 (CYLA) 已經開始報名囉!

美東南區台灣海外青年志工(Formosa Association of Student Culture Ambassadors,簡稱FASCA),預計招收12至17歲在學學生,經由系統性培訓,成為文武雙全代表臺灣的民間青年大使。FASCA 將以「領導、服務、文化、傳承」為四大培訓主軸。透過學習實作,讓自小於海外生長的台灣僑民新生代,深入瞭解父母的家鄉—臺灣,成為宣傳臺灣之僑務外交小尖兵!人際升學更加分! 
美東南地區2022年FASCA 新生培訓日期訂於7/29 – 7/31 ,由專業培訓團隊慧智文教基金會進行整體規劃與培訓。培訓場地在亞特蘭大華僑文教服務中心.


Training for new FASCA members will be from 7/29/2022 to 7/31/2022.


Students from age 12-17 are welcome to join!


亞特蘭大華僑文教服務中心 Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Address: 5377 New Peachtree Road, Chamblee, GA 30341


All participants must be able to provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccinations (including eligible boosters) during registration. If you are not fully vaccinated, you will be required to provide a negative PCR test taken no more than 48 hours prior to the first day of the conference.