2024.12.21 Year-End Celebration

FASCA Atlanta held its annual Year-End Celebration on December 21, 2024. This fun event served as a monthly meeting where members could celebrate before the upcoming winter holidays. This meeting had a variety of fun events. First, all of FASCA’s performance teams gave a spectacular presentation, showcasing how far they had come since the beginning of the year. Next, service awards were given to members who had earned enough service hours to earn the service awards. Then, senior FASCA members returned to give advice on college life to our current members. After that, it was time for lunch, and FASCA members prepared tang yuan and sushi by themselves, enjoyed by all. The last activity of the day was a gingerbread house building competition. Members worked together to create their beautiful houses. In conclusion, this event was a spectacular, fun experience for all of our members. We all look forward to meeting again next year!